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"Only when we are no longer afraid do we we begin to live." 
D. Thompson (1893-1961)

I understand how difficult taking the fisrt steps to contacting a counsellor can be. If you feel ready to contact me please fill in the form below and I will get back to you.


If you do contact me I will then arrange with you a convenient time for us to talk for 30min via telephone. The purpose of this introduction is to enable us to get to know each other a little and to help you to decide if you would like to begin regular sessions. You will be under absolutely no obligation to begin sessions after the call and the call will be free of charge.


If you choose to continue, the sessions will be held once per week (unless mutually agreed otherwise) via zoom, telephone or face to face for 1hr; cost will vary depending on the focus of the sessions.

Thanks for submitting!

Contact: Contact
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